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Manna is a community outreach ministry held on Thursday mornings in the sanctuary. Bible study begins at 9 am in the Library for those desiring to learn the fundamentals of the Christian faith. A short fellowship service follows at 10 where we sing, share and learn about Jesus Christ. We are privileged each week to distribute a grocery bag blessings filled with basic food and essentials for those in need.
Christ-Centered, Spirit-Filled Ministry
2018 proved to be a meaningful, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled ministry for the Manna Fellowship. Thursday mornings are a much-anticipated event that our 170 folks look forward to attending weekly. The Lord brought us much joy as many have grown to know Jesus on a personal level. Some have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior and many more are learning and edging towards that reality as they regularly attend Bible Study before the 10 am service in the sanctuary.
Many testimonies have been shared and we have experienced the utter thrill of people crediting the Lord for the work that He is doing in their lives. Transformation is slow for some but we are committed to planting the seeds and letting the Holy Spirit convict the hearts and minds of all who attend.
Two of our dear ones are now in His glory as they both passed from this life into eternity into His presence. Both had life transformations when they answered His call upon their lives and now both are in Heaven.
What a miracle.
Thank you Jesus for loving us and saving us and giving us the privilege to share the good news of the gospel. We pray that we continue to be directed by the Holy Spirit so we can be used as genuine vessels – loving, serving and reflecting the light of Jesus. Many dedicate their time and talents to make our ministry a delight in God’s eyes. Every single one is a blessing and we are truly thankful for all that is done.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.